Waiting period for registration
Actual date 24-10-2024: The waitig list is about 4 months.
The mentioned waiting time is an estimation. The waiting period is an indication. Therefore no rights can be derived from this indication. The waiting period consists of the time between the moment your referral letter and your application form have been received and the first session. When full capacity is utilized, you can be placed at a waiting list. You will be informed as soon as possible about how long it takes and when the therapy can actually stat.
Waiting period for treatment
The treatment will take place after the intake has taken place. When you feel the waiting list is too long, you can always contact your health insurance company and ask for waiting list mediation. Your health insurance company can support you so that you can get an intake within 4 weeks after your first contact with a healthcare provider, and that your treatment starts within 10 weeks after your first intake. These are the maximum acceptable waiting periods agreed on by healthcare providers and health insurance companies (de treeknormen). ‘Treeknorm’ means the maximum acceptable waiting period, in which the client must receive care as is agreed upon in the ‘Treekoverleg’. It is the responsibility of the health insurance company to ensure this. See ‘Toezichtskader zorgplicht zorgverzekeraars ZVW’(TH/BR-018). Prior information is conform requirements enlisted by the Dutch health authorities (NZa).